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Use await block to wait for a promise and handle loading state in Svelte 3

  • In Svelte when you are waiting for asynchronous data you can use await blocks
  • First, inside the script tag, assign your async function to a variable, we're calling it promise here
  • Then, we can use an await block with the following syntax
{#await promise then result}
  • If you want to display something while you wait for the function to return then you can use this syntax:
{#await promise}
{:then result}

Use DOM events and event modifiers in Svelte 3

  • In order to create an alert that displays the name we enter in the form we will need to attach input handlers onto the input and the button.
<input type="text" on:change={handleInput}/>
<button on:click={handleClick}>Click me</button>
  • You can pass in modifiers to the input handlers by using the | character to chain modifiers that alter DOM event behavior.
  • In this video we went over the modifiers once and preventDefault but you can find the full list of Svelte modifiers in the Svelte documentation.

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